Greek Farms: Committed to quality

Greek Farms is located in Rolla Missouri. We have been raising Katahdin sheep since 2006. We run over 300 Registered and Commercial Katahdin hair sheep Ewes in our flock and are scrapie free. They have a great reputation and truly are "a breed whose time has come."

Greek Farms Animals

* Our goal is to provide quality breeding stock with an emphasis of strong well develped frames
* Superior mothering traits and easy lambers 
* High rates of gains on forage
* Produce a mild tasting, naturally lean, well muscled carcass
* Excellent parastie resistance
* Good Feet and udders
* Tough, self sufficient
* Prolificacy
* Hair Coat that our sheep are excellent shedders and do not require shearing or docking for our Katahdins
* Katahdins adapt to all climates

We lamb outside on pasture and focus our farming operation with a managed rotational grazing and a Low Input grass-based system approach to livestock production.  They recieve minimal inputs. All our animals are raised as all-natural as possible.  We are members of Katahdin Hair Sheep International (KHSI).

We use livestock guardian dogs for predator control. 

Visitors are always welcome.

Need more information?

Please contact us at +1 573-587-1168 +1 573-587-1168. We are ready to take on your most demanding projects.

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© Greek Farms Mo